The Sunday morning services at St. Andrew's follow the pattern but please note there may be occasional differences due to the church season, e.g. for Easter, Pentectost, etc.
1st Sunday: Service of the Word
2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Service of the Word
4th Sunday: Holy communion
5th Sunday: Various formats and usually followed by a "Shared Lunch" in the Church Hall
After church coffee and biscuits are served in the church hall across the road.
We know that for some an earlier and quieter service is their preferred style. May we suggest those who feel this way should consider trying worship at our sister church in Sadberge at their 09:15 time. Sadberge is a more traditional Sung Eucharist i.e. singing responses with a strong lead from the good choir. The first Sunday is a Service of the Word, and the following 3 (or 4) are Eucharistic.
See "Latest News" or "Church Calendar" to check for changes to the current months services.