Christians Against Poverty at St. Andrew's
In conjunction with the national charity, Christians Against Poverty, we run a local Debt Centre, devoted to helping people out of debt and organising their finances for the future. The Centre does not ‘pay off’ debts but, instead, looks at solutions to deal with debt, whether that is through Debt Repayment Plans, Debt Relief Orders, Bankruptcy etc. We also help by providing budgeting advice and ongoing practical and emotional support as clients work towards becoming debt free. Additionally, clients are made aware of our own beliefs and are offered prayer at every appointment. They are given information about church services and events, plus invitations to find out more about the Christian faith if they wish to.

St. Andrew's church is very pleased to have been associated with the Scout & Guide Associations for many years.
The Guides meet on a Thursday evening in the Church Hall. The scouts meet in their own hall, situated behind the church halloperate on a Friday evening and they participate in Sunday morning Parade Services from time to time, particularly on Remembrance Sunday in November.
St. Andrew's is very happy to be associated with Darlington Credit Union. This is a charity which helps people with loans and savings in a safe way.
Low interest rates means that folks don't get into the horrendous problems that can face people who take loans from pay day lenders. The loans come from the deposits that members of the scheme make into their individual accounts.

St. Andrew's Food Bank
We are an emergency food resource for people who are unable to feed themselves or their families due to financial difficulties or crisis.
St Andrew's Food Bank exists to help put food on the tables of those in desperate need. We operate as a food bank from our church hall every Thursday 1.30-2.30pm and offer bags of food, and also a warm welcome and a friendly face. Donations to the food bank are always gratefully received. (See Latest News for information about holiday closures)