The Church office is located within the Church Hall complex and is open weekday mornings for personal visits as well as telephone contact. You can leave a message if the office is not manned.
St Andrew's Church Office,
Haughton Green,
DL1 2DD.
Telephone and E-mail:
Church Office (Weekday mornings): 01325 468142. Church Email:
Rector: The Rev. Mark East: 01325 492993. Email:
St. Andrew's has a FaceBook page on which you can ask questions.
What's App Groups:
St.Andrew's has a number of What's App Groups to enable folks to keep in touch with each other. Please contact the church office for more information and a request to join a group,
- "St Andrew's. Chat Room" - for general chat and sharing of information.
- "Spring H keeping in touch" - used by folks who have been to Spring Harvest for sharing of information.
- "St a"s CAP Pray-ers" - For those interested in the work of "Christians Against Poverty" to share prayer needs.