Have you been bereaved recently? if so the Bereavement Journey could be for you.
The Bereavement Journey is a registered seven week course, using a series of films and discussion groups that gently guide people bereaved at any time through the most common aspects of grief and bereavement. In the midst of your grief you may find it helpful to think about and chat over what's happened with others.
A new Bereavement Journey Course starts on Monday afternoons, 2-4pm in the Gouldsmith Room, beginning on Monday 30 September. You are warmly invited to come along or for more information and to register, please speak with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Cath Williams on 07941 334399. Registration forms also available in the office or near the font in church.
The Alpha Course at St.Andrew's!
The Alpha Course runs on a Wednesday evening at 7pm for refreshments and for a start at 7:30. The next course began on September 9th but its not too late to join; every evening stands on it's own. Pease let us know if you want more information and we'll get in touch.
Information on the Alpha Course worldwide will be found at Alpha Course.
Or for more information about the Alpha Course at St. Andrew's contact the Vicar, Mark East, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each evening looks at a different question around faith and life and is designed to create conversation. It meets weekly for about 11 weeks but each week stands on it's own so if you miss a sesson it won't spoil the course for you. If you would like more information about the course please e-mail the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Mark East, the Rector.
After trying it out for a night there's no commitment to any further meetings so why not come and see, though we think you'll enjoy it. If you cannot commit to the whole course at this stage just come along for a few nights and see how you get on!
During recent years scores of people have attended one of St.Andrew's courses, and many have found faith or a renewed a faith in Jesus.
Coffee Morning - Saturday 21st September
10-11:30am in the church hall
The Coffee Morning is normally held every month on the 3rd Saturday in the Church Hall during term time.
Proceeds from the morning go either to church or to a nominated good cause. In addition to the Coffee there are usually a small number of stalls selling cakes, bric-a-brac and geeting cards.
Do come along for a chat and to suppport whatever good cause is selected.
The CAP manager for the Darlington branch of CAP is Cyndi Hughes. Cyndi is ready to help you if you are struggling financially. Just get in touch with her to see how she can help.
See an important update on work with CAP 2024.
A prayer meeting for the work of CAP is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, 7.30 to 8.30pm in the Gouldsmith Room. If you are keen to support the work of CAP why not come along and join us in praying for this important work.
We are very grateful for the generosity of the Ballinger Charitable Trust, Darlington Building Society and County Durham Community Foundation who have all recognised the value of the work we are trying to carry out in our local area. We offer thanks to all in the local community who help us by supporting the work of CAP, and to those who are supporting Cyndi locally. We hold a monthly prayer meeting for Cyndi. Please see the diary for the date of the next meeting and plan to join us.
Click for more information about the Darlington CAP centre and Christians Against Poverty
Teatime Church at St Andrew's Haughton is for families, children and people of all ages, it runs each month on the first Sunday in the month (except for August).
Doors open 3.50 for a 4pm start in our Church hall. Tea is from 5.00 to 5.30pm.
Everyone is very welcome to attend.
Since it's launch in February dozens have come and it was very much enjoyed by all.
You are invited to join us for fun, learning, fellowship and tea on every 1st Sunday of the month.
Look forward to seeing you there
Why not note the date and plan to come along. You'll be made very welcome.
St. Andrew's Food Bank exists to provide food for people in need. If you find you cannot provide food for your family, whatever the reason, the Food Bank can help to tide you over until you're on your feet again.
The Food Bank is open every week. Call at St Andrew's Church Hall off Haughton Greeen, on a Thursday afternoon, 1:30 to 2:30pm.
We can accept food donations between 12-30 and 2-30 each Thursday. Or call with your donations at the church office any weekday morning, 9:30 - 12:30.
We are always looking for more donors to replenish our supplies! Will you help?
In recent weeks we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of families seeking help. Please add a couple of tins to your shopping this week - soup, beans, tomatoes, fish, meat, fruit and vegatables are all needed. Can you arrange a collection at your place of work? Anything you can give will be gratefully received.
If you can help us please drop off your contributions at the church office or contact us to arrange collection.
For more information see our Food Bank Page.
For your convenience we list here all the regular activities at St. Andrews
More information can be obtained from the church office. Telephone 01325 468142 on a morning or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Sunday worship. Every Sunday at 10:00am, in a variety of forms, the main worship of the week.
TeaTime church. On the first Sunday at 4:00pm in the church hall. Especially for families.
Holy Baptism. Usually on a Sunday at 12noon, but each one arranged individually.
Holy Matrimony. Usually on a Saturday but each one arranged individually.
Mid Week Communion. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:30am. An informal service in church.
CAP Prayers. On the 4th. Tuesday, 7:30 in the church hall, to pray for the work of CAP.
Home Communion. Church Members take Communion to the housebound each month on request.
Occasional services. These occur from time to time. The main ones include Good Friday meditation, St.Andrew's Day in November and Christingle services at Christmas.