St. Andrew's church is associated with a number of organisations and groups.
This page contains brief descriptions and links to them.
- The Alpha Course
- Christian Aid
- Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)
- The Church Mission Society (CMS
- Churches in Darlington
- The Durham Generous Giving Website
- Durham Diocese
- DFW Adoption
- The Puzzling Questions Website
- Spring Harvest
- New Wine
The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life"
Alpha courses are being run in churches, homes, workplaces, prisons, universities and a wide variety of other locations.
The course began in the UK and is being run around the world by various Christian denominations
St. Andrew's normally runs two Alpha courses each year in the early Summer and the Autumn.
For information about the next course go to Latest News.
Goto the Alpha Course Website
Puzzling Questions is a six week course that gives you an opportunity to explore some of life's deeper questions.
As you journey through the course with others interested in reflecting on life's conundrums, so you will have an opportunity to consider what you think and talk that through with others.
Questions covered on the course include:
Who am I?
What is God like?
What happens after death?
How can I be happy?
Why is there suffering in the world?
What is the spiritual realm and how does it impact my life?
Goto the Puzzling Questions Website
Generosity is central to our Christian faith: "For God so loved the world that he gave - - -”
By exploring generosity together, we find joy and pursue lives of purpose.
We never tell you how to be generous.
We simply celebrate generosity together through stories, teachings, and conversation.
Goto the Durham Generous Giving Website
Spring Harvest is a teaching and worship event for everybody. It aims to create space for all people to encounter God, to be confident in their faith and to see transformation in lives and communities.
The event takes place annually in the two weeks surrounding Easter at the Holiday Camps at Minehead and Skegness. A variety of accommodation is available using the chalets, apartments and rooms at the holiday camp, or arranging your own locally off site.
Every year a group of folks from St. Andrew's make the trip to Skegness and are really blessed by the teaching, worship and the fellowship they enjoy. Early booking is advised since the demand for accommodation is high. If you would like to go you will be much helped by speaking to one of those who have previously gone.
Goto the Spring Harvest Website
New Wine is a network of churches working together to change the nation through a network of church leaders, National Gatherings, training events and resources.
The vision is to see the nation changed through Christians experiencing the joy of worshipping God, the freedom of following Jesus, and the power of being filled with the Spirit. And to see churches renewed, strengthened and planted, living out the word of God in every aspect of life, serving God by reaching the lost, broken and poor, and demonstrating the good news of the Kingdom of God to all.
At St. Andrew's the vicar participates in local events, and church members are encouraged to go to day events and conferences.
Goto the NewWine Website
Christian Aid is one of the foremost Aid charities in the UK with links with the most impoverished places in the world.
Christian Aid Week held in May each year has become something of a national institution. Many churches throughout the UK participate in the week running fund raising events and door to door collections.
St. Andrew's participates in the week, and the church link is Mrs Jacki Stevenson who would be delighted if you would like to help with fund raising. You can contact Jacki through the church office by
Goto the Christian Aid Website
The Society began more than 200 years ago with a group of Christians whose hearts were stirred to put their call into action. This group included people like William Wilberforce, John Venn, and John Newton. Together they worked to abolish the slave trade, they fought for the rights of oppressed people at home and they launched out on dangerous seas to share Jesus with the world.
Today there are Church Mission Society people in 40 countries across Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East, Europe and the UK.
At St. Andrew's our linked missionary partner is Catherine Lee who works in Taipei, Taiwan. Every two years or so Catherine visits St. Andrew's when home on furlough and brings us up to date with her work. In the meantime you can follow Catherine's work at
Goto the CMS Website
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) works in over 20 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, defending everyone’s right to freedom of religion or belief.
Three quarters of the world’s population lives in countries with severe restrictions on their religious freedom – in fact, it’s one of the most widely-violated human rights in the world.
We think this is unacceptable. We’re working to change it. Our vision is of a world where everyone is free to choose their beliefs – to hold and practise any religion they like, or none at all.
Many members of St.Andrew's support the work of CSW, and from time to time the church invites speakers.
Goto the CSW website
DFW Adoption is an agency working within the Diocese of Durham whose objectives include:-
"To promote and support the welfare and safety of adopted children within the context of the family."
"To promote and arrange the adoption of children with suitable adoptive parents."
St. Andrew's supports DFW Adoption with financial gifts, and the collections from the annual Christingle Services are usually donated to them.
Goto the DFW Adoption website
The Diocese of Durham is the parent Diocese for all Anglican churches in the county of Durham, from the Tyne to the Tees.
If you are looking for information about the Diocese, the Bishops, Diocesan Officials and parishes in the Diocese this is the place to come.
It's also got lots of information about the work of the Diocese.
Goto the Diocesan Website
The churches in Darlington website is run by Churches Together in Darlington.
It provides information for all Trinitarian churches in Darlington including Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal and free churches.
It includes a useful google map with churches marked on it, a brief desciption of each church listed, times of Sunday services and contact information for the clergy or other nominated person.