St. Andrew's Food Bank exists to provide food for people in need. If you find you cannot provide food for your family, whatever the reason, the Food Bank can help to tide you over until you're on your feet again.
The Food Bank is open every week. Call at St Andrew's Church Hall off Haughton Greeen, on a Thursday afternoon, 1:30 to 2:30pm.
We can accept food donations between 12-30 and 2-30 each Thursday. Or call with your donations at the church office any weekday morning, 9:30 - 12:30.
We are always looking for more donors to replenish our supplies! Will you help?
In recent weeks we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of families seeking help. Please add a couple of tins to your shopping this week - soup, beans, tomatoes, fish, meat, fruit and vegatables are all needed. Can you arrange a collection at your place of work? Anything you can give will be gratefully received.
If you can help us please drop off your contributions at the church office or contact us to arrange collection.
For more information see our Food Bank Page.