We believe that prayer to God is vitally important, both for the individual and the church. We seek to promote heartfelt prayer throughout the church, and to that end seek to provide resources for it. Apart from public intercessory prayer in our services these include the following.
Monthly Prayer Leaflet
Each month we produce a printed prayer leaflet which includes a rota for praying day by day for every street in the parish, and for families listed in our records. It also includes names of the bereaved, the sick, and the recently baptised.
Prayer Chain
We run a confidential "Prayer Chain", that is a list of people linked together as a What'sApp group. Urgent prayer requests can be given to anyone in the chain, who will offer prayer as well as posting it up for other group memners to see and pray. To make a request in the first instance contact Clare Kay via the church office.
Healing Service
Two or three times a year we hold a service of Prayer and Laying on of Hands for the sick. This takes place at 6:30pm on a Sunday evening, and an extended time is offered to pray for individuals as needed.
Memorial Service
Twice a year we run a "Memorial Service" to which people who are bereaved are invited, and remember those families to whom the church has recently ministered.
Discipeship Group Prayer
We encourage people to support and pray for each other in the various Discipleship Groups which usually meet week by week in term time.