The Church office is located within the Church Hall complex and is open weekday mornings for personal visits as well as telephone contact. You can leave a message if the office is not manned.
St Andrew's Church Office,
Haughton Green,
DL1 2DD.
Telephone and E-mail:
Church Office (Weekday mornings): 01325 468142. Church Email:
Rector: The Rev. Mark East: 01325 492993. Email:
St. Andrew's has a FaceBook page on which you can ask questions.
What's App Groups:
St.Andrew's has a number of What's App Groups to enable folks to keep in touch with each other. Please contact the church office for more information and a request to join a group,
- "St Andrew's. Chat Room" - for general chat and sharing of information.
- "Spring H keeping in touch" - used by folks who have been to Spring Harvest for sharing of information.
- "St a"s CAP Pray-ers" - For those interested in the work of "Christians Against Poverty" to share prayer needs.
Welcome to St. Andrew's
Whoever you are you'll be made very welcome at St.Andrew's whether it's a church service or other event.
What's on at St. Andrews
For the latest information about what's happening jump to our "Latest News" page, click here.
2025 is going to be a very special year for St. Andrews. We will be celebrating our 900th anniversary. To see a list of events already planned click here.
"Pilgrim" - a new course based on the Lord's Prayer began on Wednesday 22nd January for 6 weeks. Click here for more information.
Tea Time Church
A new venture for families and children, at 4pm on the first Sunday of the month. If you have young children why not give it a try. Bring them along for a great time for fun, learning and eats.
See our Sunday service page for latest news about the regular Sunday services.

We normally run two Alpha courses a year. Next one is in the Summer term 2025.
Please continue to give to St.Andrew's even if you cannot get to church. Click here for more information.
We are a lively and welcoming Anglican Church which meets in Haughton-le-Skerne and serves a number of communities in North East Darlington, including Haughton village, Whinfield, Red Hall and Springfield.
We have a variety of Sunday services to suit different people and ages.
Alongside the church services our vision is to serve the local community through other means. To that end we run a FoodBank for those who find it hard to make ends meet, and a CAP debt counselling service.
Social events take place from time to time.
As a church we are very much involved in servicing Baptisms and Weddings, and there is some useful information on planning your wedding in church here on this site.
There are a wide range of other events which take place during the week.
St.Andrew's Scouts & Guides are affiliated to the church and usually attend a number of "Parade Services" every year.
St.Andrew's Haughton works closely with St.Andrew's, Sadberge.
As a church we also seek to work alongside and maintain good relationships with the Haughton-Le-Skerne Residents association, for more information see their website, The Haughton Hub.
St.Andrew's takes Safeguarding issues very seriously.
See our "Safeguarding Policy".
St.Andrews's takes Privacy issues very seriously.
See our "Privacy page".